Tuesday 6 December 2011

Film Treatment

When this feature films hits the screens a new horror villain is installed to the hall of fame, an antagonist never seen before.

The trailer for my film ‘The Proprietor’ is a slasher horror film that follows a deluded psycho (Rick Strangle) in an evil picturesque setting where he aims to torment and finally kill the same youth stereotype, which killed his family long ago, throughout we see a character with emotion and a story that the intended audience will interpret in there own way.

We see it all begin in a setting with elegance but not before long the trailer shows the intruders of the woods, the youth characters are represented as your typical hoodlums and before long ‘The Proprietor’ notices the intrusion.

Shot by shot we start to see more of ‘The Proprietor’ and begin to create an understanding of appearance.

The reluctant youths pursue their denial of the many different tales to come out of Strangle woods and before long we see the attitude of the youths and their destructive manner. Lead youth character AJ dominates the dialogue between the youths to represent him as the youth with power.

We then begin to realize ‘The Proprietor’ lurks very close and by surrounding the youth the power focus alters to the antagonist.

The particular focus of my trailer is to deliver a fluent production which impacts my audience, in order to do this I will shadow the Uses and Gratifications theory in the way it gives my target audience 15-24 a chance to gain social approval from seeing my film, I need to challenge the question ‘what people do with media?’ (Katz 1959)  By doing this I can include features which will gratify my audience in their every day life. My initial thought into achieving this is offering my film as a product of social trend, as a young adult myself I can confidently say that to watch an elite horror film is somewhat an essential as there is often conversations subject to the film when there is a big market hype.

The inspiration for this film came from my passion for horror films and the knowledge of many different sub genres horror holds, in order to ensure myself that I would enjoy and gain the best possible grade for my production I needed to layout specific planning regarding audience and generic conventions and more. After gaining further knowledge of the genre horror I enabled myself to explore new ideas and this made me even more enthusiastic about what I could achieve.

The trailer has all the makings for psychological suspense combined with well fashioned characters in Rick Strangle (The Proprietor) and AJ.

As part of my Photography studies I am in the planning stages of organizing a film mentor for that project, who has had associations with BAFTA nominees and many other professionals. I am hoping the knowledge I acquire will help me with this project significantly. This will help me come closer to achieving a top grade in the production.

The shots I will use in the film trailer will vary; I will be able to establish a better idea once my storyboard is complete, at the moment though I have obtained various sources, which show me the common conventions of horror camera movement.

The budget for my film will be limited although the current ideas I have do not tell me I need to spend too much money, all props and equipment will be coordinated into the budget I have. Funding of the budget very much relies on my own money. If necessary I could seek for sponsorships and fund raising events. 

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