Wednesday 28 September 2011

Friday 23 September 2011

Survey Monkey Findings

These are my Survey Monkey findings, i posted 10 questions which i thought would cover the whole spectrum of audience research. 

Question 1. What Age Range do you fall under?
Question 2. How would you label your Character?
Question 3. What Social grade would you give yourself?
Question 4. What is your annual earnings?
Question 5. Select the types of social group you are?
Question 6. What do you enjoy seeing in a film teaser trailer?
Question 7. What is your favourite sub genre of Horror?
Question 8. Does the incentive 'based on a true story' have a positive or negative effect on you?
Question 9. Does review ratings influence your interest in films?
Question 10. Are you Male or Female?

Thursday 22 September 2011

Survey Monkey Initial Ideas

In order to retrieve the most valid information I posted my survey on two websites which would give me responses from a selective but appropriate audience. One of the websites is the popular social networking site Facebook offering my friends ranged from 14-22 year olds which is an ideal audience. I felt I needed to offer my survey out to a more diverse age range so on under the forum section I left the hyperlink to my survey this would give me a perfect audience with users on the site ranging from 18+.         
I feel this provides a good response for my survey as the people taking it will be appropriate and knowledgeable in the subject of the survey.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

My Thoughts On The Project So Far.

After looking at allot of key stimulus models and background data on my areas of study, I am beginning to establish an idea for what my project will be.  I’m making a film teaser trailer, film poster and film magazine front cover. As a person I am quite a big Horror movie fan, but Horror genre itself falls under many different categories including; splatter, gothic, exploitation, monster, slasher, vampire, werewolf, survival and zombie horror.
But with Horror genre there is nothing worse than seeing something on screen which lacks realistic belief, obviously in some vampire, zombie genre’s its a lot more tricky, but looking into some research regarding tv drama I can apply it to my idea’s of my trailer. The significance of verisimilitude and deigesis is vital; although the reality of the film is diegetic I need to follow the rules of continuity, temporal and spatial coherence in order to give the film some real believability and atmosphere. If the trailer seems to unrealistic and does not follow certain genetic codes and conventions then it will not satisfy the audience’s needs.
I still feel I need to collect more data, but I am planning on configuring a questionnaire through the survey monkey website, this I feel will help determine target audience and further research into what my audience’s need from my film. Going into the research I will have some predictions based on the feedback I will get, if the research I get positively influences the decision to roll with a Horror genre I will have to market my product around the typical representations of Horror fans, the typical representations are people who uphold D and E social grades (typically semi-skilled or unskilled workers and casual or lowest grade workers.) The social value group my represented audience will tend to follow the characteristics of innovators who are self-confident risk takers and disconnected people who try to live in the present now distant from the traditionalists.
My Film trailer will be including narrative structure from theorists like Tsvetan Todorov who clearly labeled how stories work, I will apply his stages of the equilibrium. Apart from the final stage which highlights the ending of a film pretty much.  I will have to be careful when shooting according to the equilibriums because I am doing a teaser trailer, so all stages will have to be subtler. 
Typically I will also have to create emphasis on antagonist showing him/her in a dark moment, whilst not dipping to far into the enigma or cause and effect of the film, or it may defeat the object of a teaser trailer.
I will now start putting in further audience research and after I collect my results I will start drawing up some basic idea’s for the trailer itself and determine exactly what genre I will be following. 

How Technological Advances Have Improved My Area of Study.

The origin of the name ‘film’ came from the fact that photographic film (which was also referred as film stock) being the primary medium for recording and distributing film. Film stock was primarily known for its transparent Cellulose nitrate film base, but this became a hazard due to its flammable state. Now a days film companies still shoot with the 35mm film prints.

The real old fashioned hand cranked cameras and projectors would shoot at a 1000 frames per minute. It is generally cited as a standard silent speed. The renovation of sound film in 1920’s impacted technology, a constant speed was required for the overall sound trend. 24 frames per second were used, as it was most convenient in terms of expenditure and time. Since the late 19th century more sophisticated film stocks and lens’s has lead to the improvement of quiet camera design, enabling filming in harsh conditions, synchronized sound and allowing sound and action to be recorded at corresponding speed.

An obvious improvement of filming through the years is the multimedia applications used to edit filming; these types of software can also convert films into different formats. Digital methods are a way of restoring films but the obsolescence cycle does make it a poor long-term continuation technique. A pro for digital filming is that the film shot can be edited without using non-linear editing systems, but the trend in digital filming is quite gradual and many still shoot on basic film.

Technology through several media channels has been the source to higher gross. Through the media you can now hold interviews in magazines, extra features for DVD’s (bonus disks), blu ray DVD’s, technological merchandise and many more. All of this contributes towards expanding target audience and giving more to a wider range of audience in different social class’s etc. For example trailers could be broadcasted on terrestrial TV to appeal to regular social class people, then the same trailer could be posted through the format of an iPad in the imbd application to appeal to a higher social business executive class.
The impact of the Internet is a big technological change not only for film and trailers but for the overall concept of marketing a film. With social networking sites ad’s on the side of the website allows distributors to create a buzz about the film, certainly when aiming it at the typical 16-24 target audience. Another way the Internet has affected media is You Tube, a site where you can go viral with home made videos or idea’s and receive feedback. Posting film trailers on You Tube has become common now days even to conglomerate film companies and this technique contributes to a great percentage of the market hype.