Tuesday 19 July 2011


I have chosen the brief, which involves creating a promotional package for a brand new film; I will conduct a teaser trailer, which relates to my genre of my film idea. Idea’s will be practically based and then put through extensive research, looking into target audience and other concepts. The brief also consists of choosing two of the following three options:

  1. A website homepage for the film.
  2. A film magazine front cover,
  3. A poster for the film.
The decision making for the two options is based upon my personal skills, I have chosen to produce number 2 and 3, the film magazine front cover I feel is a great opportunity to further develop my Photoshop skills, doing the magazine production in my AS year of Media studies allowed me to show innovative idea’s, but I feel in my A2 year I could show more innovation and improve my Photoshop and production skills as this project gives me more chance to create what I do, with the help of my research.

The film poster I feel is a chance to partially give something new a try, as I have not created a poster on this sort of skill level. Whilst this task will give me chance’s to explore new concepts of film and media, when producing the poster, I will be able to use my Photoshop skills I have acquired from my AS year to form the poster.

The decision to opt for the film trailer brief happened because I feel with this brief in contrast to the others I can bring more enthusiasm and confidence to the project, film trailers can often be considered as a form of advertisement to entice readers into further looking or viewing the film, especially in terms of teaser trailers. It is specifically promotion projects and MultiMedia production that I want to pursue through higher education and the skills I will need to have, fall under the tasks for this brief, I will need to be educated in filming, editing, sound co-ordinating, publishing and most of all knowledge of the media industry and its audience. I believe these skills can be adapted through my project and benefit me for future situations in education. 

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